The ones who care beyond compare.
Spanning multiple cultures, generations, educational backgrounds and areas of medical expertise, our multilingual team delivers care that’s as human as care gets.

Tara Vilardo

Susan Eck
Director of Nursing

Sophia Ordaniza-Mossey
Director of Therapy
After two and a half years as an integral part of the rehab team at Essex Center, Sophia made the jump to team leader. And what a spectacular leap it was!
We knew about her abilities, of course; her years of experience, her background as a teacher helping young therapists reach their goals, her work as a home care therapist and more. But becoming our Director of Therapy not only brought out the best in Sophia, it did the same for our whole team. “In our roles as therapists, we play a critical part in improving our patients’ quality of life. The entire team here consistently provides compassionate care to our patients, assuring that they all walk out – literally – with joy in their hearts. Their success is our success.” Between caring for the elderly at Essex Center to caring for the very young – like her precious baby girl – Sophia runs the gamut of health care. “My life is a crazy and fun adventure.” And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Rachel Tart
Director of Social Work
Rachel went a long way from home – all the way from Jay, NY to New York City to Plattsburgh to Ireland, back to the Adirondacks and finally here – to find her dream job. “I worked at a long-term care facility in Lake Placid and found my true passion – working with long term care residents and their families. Then I found Essex Center, and I really feel like I’m home.”
And her favorite part of the day? “When a family member, a resident, or someone spending a few weeks in rehab needs someone to talk with. I just love being there for them.” With an approach like that, it’s easy to see why Rachel is on everyone’s “favorites” list.
Knowledge is health.
For the absolute highest quality of care, Essex Center staffs medical providers on each unit who stay in constant communication with leadership throughout the day. Team collaboration is our forte, and this commitment helps us maintain an unbeatable continuum of care.
Our team also works hard to keep therapies as consistent as possible, tracking all communications through an advanced electronic medical record system. This ensures immediate transmission of information across the entire care network.