Overall, more than two in every five Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, and that number is much higher in certain age or race demographics (82% of African-American people are Vitamin D deficient, for example).

Vitamin D is also a crucial component of our immune system, which is a very important thing during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Vitamin D is best absorbed through sunlight, but that can be difficult during the winter months. Fortunately, there are foods that are also very high in vitamin D. Essex Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at five of those foods.


  • Swordfish


Swordfish almost contains an entire daily allowance of vitamin D for the average woman. It’s also high in protein and healthy fats and low in calories.


  • Salmon


Salmon, especially the wild variety, will give you more vitamin D than any other serving of food besides swordfish. Salmon is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids that are wonderful for cardiovascular health.


  • Canned Tuna


If you’re noticing a seafood theme here, that’s because nearly all fish are great sources of vitamin D. if you’re short on time, canned tuna will give you a good vitamin D boost if you’re not in a position to prepare some swordfish or salmon; plus, it’s a bit easier on the wallet.


  • Orange Juice


For a non-seafood alternative (or non-food alternative altogether), have a glass of orange juice with breakfast. It’s full of vitamins and nutrients besides vitamin D, but he careful to not exceed the serving size because of the high sugar content.


  • Milk


Milk is known for its calcium and vitamin D content, so any variety of milk (skim, reduced fat, and whole) will provide a nice vitamin D boost. If you’re not a milk drinker, try yogurt or cottage cheese for the same benefits. 


To learn more about Essex Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://essex-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/